Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1:28 pm

Hey everyone we are going to post information to this blog so that people can stay updated on Jon's condition. Right now the team has limited visitation to immediate family so that Jon can have time to rest and recover. Let me start at the beginning...On Friday night/early Saturday morning Jon was in a car accident and had to be mediflighted to OKC. He is in ICU at OU Medical Center. Jon has two broken collar bones, a facial fracture in his lower jaw, a broken ankle, an ankle that was dislocated with bone fragments (I am not exactly sure on this ankle.), also he has some broken vertebraes in his lower back. Jon also has a tramautic brain injury. He had been pretty stable until this point. The plan that the doctors have expressed to us at this point is to start at the top (brain) and work their way down to his ankles. Yesterday the doctors said that his lungs were stable enough for surgery but they were waiting on the neuro doctors to give the okay. He also responded to the nurses during evaluations. They asked him to give a thumbs up and were 60-75% sure that he did. Jon responded to pain and also squeezed their hands. He continued to cough and respond to the suctioning. He did not like the doctors removing tape from his arms or putting stuff in his eyes. Jon had a good night but right before shift change he had a set back. The neuro doctors had asked the nurses to turn the sedative off so that they could assess him. When they did this, Jon spit his "popcicle" out and closed his mouth. During this time he ended up biting on the ventilator and therefore reducing his oxygen level. This really caused him a set back. The doctors had to increase his sedation level and paralyze him to get him back into a stable condition. He will remain this way for the rest of today. When we first went in to the room his color was not very good but it has gotten better throughout the day. He is going to be put in an oscillating bed to help him with his pnemonia. It is going to be a long process so KEEP PRAYING FOR JON!!!! Prayer is a very powerful tool and everyone can do this! We will try to update this so that everyone can stay updated.

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