Thursday, April 30, 2009

5:18 pm

Jon has had a relatively good day. All of his levels have stayed about the same all day. They have worked to get his oxygen level reduced to 60%. Usually when they suction his lungs, they have to increase the oxygen level again. The last time they suctioned him they did not have to increase the level. Jon's oxygenation level has been about 97%-100% most of the day. This is definitely an answered prayer. The doctor told us that he is still critical and not stable but at least nothing has changed throughout the day. Please keep praying that Jon continues to improve and that the treatment continues to work!


  1. Jon has been on my mind today . . . my most earnest prayers are being said for him, and the people in charge of his care.

    Take care,
    Pam Wolford

  2. Jon's sweet family,
    I don't know a more loving family than you guys. If love can make Jon well he will be on his way.....
    Take care of each other, get some rest and the best will come to you....
    Good Night....
    Wanda Hanan

  3. To Dani and family - I have known Jon since he was a little boy and the Mann family brought other small children who needed tender loving and lots of care into their home. Dani - you and your family did wonderful work with these children, they too were all very fragile and needed much love and prayers. Now it is your turn - allow all those who love and care for each of you, especially Jon do just that. Love and prayers with you all. Jon - be strong as we know you are! Kim Conway, Raquel and Valerie - Fargo, OK
