Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Jon is very, very sick and he needs our prayers so very badly. I cannot express to everyone the extreme need for prayers. We need God to heal Jon. Jon has had a pretty rough day so far to put it mildly. The doctors are keeping a close eye on him. Right now his numbers all look good, but it is important that they stay that way. The most important thing anyone can do is pray! I am pleading with everyone to take a moment and pray a true, heartfelt prayer to God. Say a prayer that is from your heart. You don't have to use fancy words; just talk to God the same way you would talk to your best friend. He will listen. Again, please pray!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear friends, please know that each and everyone of you are in our prayers. Know that we are here for you anytime. If anyone needs someone to talk to please call. Don't worry about the time of day or night. You are a good christian family. Stay strong and remember everyone is praying.
