Thursday, August 27, 2009

In case you didn't know...

Jon is out of the hospital.  He was released on August 20.  He is continuing his out patient rehab at Jim Thorpe.  He continues to improve. The therapist are working with him to help straighten out his leg that is bent.  He may end up having to wear a splint for a while.  They are all giving him "homework" to work on when he is not in therapy.  He also has to go to the hospital to have different levels checked throughout the week.  Jon still needs to be able to rest during the day.  The occupational therapist stressed to him today how important it is for him to prioritize his tasks during the day so that he does not get worn out.  Small tasks take a lot of energy for Jon to accomplish.  Visitation still needs to be very limited for several reasons...1.  it is VERY important that Jon does not come into contact with ANYONE who is even the least bit sick 2.  He needs to have time to rest so that he can work during therapy 3.  Resting is one way that the body heals 4.  He is busy for much of his day with his therapy.  Please call before going to visit in order to see if it is a good time for visitors.  Jon's health has been so fragile that it is important to take it slowly and not overwhelm his body.  Also, it is important to remember that it is Jon's lungs that have been so sick and not to do anything that would irritate them.  He needs to be in fresh air and not be exposed to overwhelming scents that could cause it to be hard to breathe.  He will be home (in Arnett) before we know it.  He has another appointment with his doctor Friday for a check up.  Hopefully everything will go well.  

Jon is doing really great! We truly appreciate all of the support that our friends and family have shown.  We are so lucky to have such a supportive community and we are so thankful for all of the prayers that have been said on our behalf.  None of us would be where we are today if it weren't for answered prayers!  Please continue to pray for him and our family.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Jon continues to improve and will be leaving the hospital soon and will be doing outpatient rehab.  Outpatient will last for a few weeks.  He is doing so great!  He continues to gain strength and is continuing to walk farther all the time w/ the walker.  Please continue to pray for him, Melinda, and our families.  God is answering our prayers... remember to thank Him for all of His blessings.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


\\Jon's procedure went well this morning. After they are able to take his IV out this afternoon, he will not have any other tubes in his body:). He will be back at his therapy this afternoon. \

Friday, August 14, 2009


Jon has still been working hard during therapy. He is staying busy during the day and then going for malts in the evening. He is going to get his stomach peg out tomorrow morning. He may be released from the hospital in the next 7-10 days!!!! It seems like such a short amount of time. He will be staying in OKC for some outpatient therapy for a couple of weeks though. He is doing so great! He is still working to improve his short term memory. It is improving each day! He is walking with more ease with the walker and has been going up and down stairs. He is able to see Rusty (the dog) and go on short trips around OKC w/ mom. Jon is much better but still has many days of recovery ahead of him. Please continue to keep him and our entire family in your prayers. God has truly answered our prayers so far!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend 8-8,8-9

Jon had a good weekend.  He was able to walk with the walker down the hallway this weekend.  He walked up to 55 feet without any assistance besides the walker.  He continues to work hard.  Sunday evening he choked on something and got sick.  It scared mom. They checked his oxygen and it was 99% and listened to him.  They said his lungs sounded good.   We played cards and started a puzzle today.  He is gaining strength each day and is ready to come home.  Please continue to pray for him and his recovery.  He has also been going to Sonic for chocolate malts.  It has been nice to be able to leave the hospital for short amounts of time:)  

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 5 and 6

Jon had a very happy birthday...for being in the hospital.  We are so thankful that he is here with us to celebrate life!  He really enjoyed reading all of the cards that were sent!  It is so touching to all of us to see our friends and family reach out and support us.  Jon got his trach out yesterday and he has no food restrictions now. He just has to eat while being supervised.  He ate A LOT of cake and ice cream and then ate almost all of his supper.  His appetite is not lacking.  Jon is making progress and getting better quickly.  Each day he is better.  They are saying that he will be ready to go home in a few weeks:)  He may move to a different rehab facility in the near future so that he can receive services that may be more appropriate for him.  Today, Jon was able to walk down the hallway with the help of some type of walking machine.  They are working to help Jon's leg straighten out so that he will be able to stand and walk more easily. Jon is also able to get from his bed to the wheelchair by himself!!  He is working so hard and we are so proud of him. We are also thankful for all of the friends, family, doctors, nurses, and therapist that are so kind, caring, and compassionate not only to Jon but also to our entire family.  Prayer is so powerful!  

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4

Jon has made huge improvements in the past week. He has moved to rehab. He is working almost all day. The first few days he was so tired but is building more endurance. He passed his swallow test on Monday. He can eat and drink whatever he wants to! He was really craving a Dr. Pepper. He said it wasn't as good as he remembered!...I told him to try a Pepsi b/c they are much better:) Jon remembers things and his personality is very much the "old Jon." He does have a little trouble with his short term memory but it is getting better. Sometimes he gets some details confused. It is hard to see him feel upset b/c he has something wrong. He is very determined to get out of the hospital and walk! He has a few sayings..."depends on how you want to look at it," "slowly but surely," and "it could be a whole lot worse." He has a good outlook and a positive attitude. He is supposed to have his trach removed tomorrow. He has had it capped off for about a week now and is doing well. We are so thankful for all of the prayers and kind words. Please continue to pray for Jon, Melinda, and our families. We still have many tough times ahead of us.

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.