Friday, August 14, 2009


Jon has still been working hard during therapy. He is staying busy during the day and then going for malts in the evening. He is going to get his stomach peg out tomorrow morning. He may be released from the hospital in the next 7-10 days!!!! It seems like such a short amount of time. He will be staying in OKC for some outpatient therapy for a couple of weeks though. He is doing so great! He is still working to improve his short term memory. It is improving each day! He is walking with more ease with the walker and has been going up and down stairs. He is able to see Rusty (the dog) and go on short trips around OKC w/ mom. Jon is much better but still has many days of recovery ahead of him. Please continue to keep him and our entire family in your prayers. God has truly answered our prayers so far!

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