Thursday, August 27, 2009

In case you didn't know...

Jon is out of the hospital.  He was released on August 20.  He is continuing his out patient rehab at Jim Thorpe.  He continues to improve. The therapist are working with him to help straighten out his leg that is bent.  He may end up having to wear a splint for a while.  They are all giving him "homework" to work on when he is not in therapy.  He also has to go to the hospital to have different levels checked throughout the week.  Jon still needs to be able to rest during the day.  The occupational therapist stressed to him today how important it is for him to prioritize his tasks during the day so that he does not get worn out.  Small tasks take a lot of energy for Jon to accomplish.  Visitation still needs to be very limited for several reasons...1.  it is VERY important that Jon does not come into contact with ANYONE who is even the least bit sick 2.  He needs to have time to rest so that he can work during therapy 3.  Resting is one way that the body heals 4.  He is busy for much of his day with his therapy.  Please call before going to visit in order to see if it is a good time for visitors.  Jon's health has been so fragile that it is important to take it slowly and not overwhelm his body.  Also, it is important to remember that it is Jon's lungs that have been so sick and not to do anything that would irritate them.  He needs to be in fresh air and not be exposed to overwhelming scents that could cause it to be hard to breathe.  He will be home (in Arnett) before we know it.  He has another appointment with his doctor Friday for a check up.  Hopefully everything will go well.  

Jon is doing really great! We truly appreciate all of the support that our friends and family have shown.  We are so lucky to have such a supportive community and we are so thankful for all of the prayers that have been said on our behalf.  None of us would be where we are today if it weren't for answered prayers!  Please continue to pray for him and our family.

1 comment:

  1. Jon,
    Most of us will never know the feelings you have with the freedom you are now experiencing. Yes, I know you still have your restrictions and you still have your 'mom' telling you what you should do....but to be out where there is sunshine, wind, trees, flowers, birds and all those things we take for granted each day. You no doubt have an overload of thoughts.
    Keep them, treasure them, save them and someday you will share them with someone special.
    Be good to yourself, smile, pray, eat good food, watch a sunset and enjoy each day.
    Good Night Jon..
