Monday, July 6, 2009

Friday-Sunday July 3-5

Friday--I don't know that the Jon's liver enzymes were high...I thnk that they are elevated. The scan showed that Jon's liver is okay; it may be his gall bladder but he is not having all the symptoms of a bad gall bladder. They are continuing to lower sedation.

Saturday--They did not change any sedation today. The doctors have all decided to let Jon's body run its course. They are not giving him tylenol for his fever or heart rate medicine. They said that this can help them determine if there is an infection and where. Jon gave Mom a kiss today. He seemed very agitated today. His "waking up" process has been different this time. He seems to be VERY uncomfortable. The highest Jon's temp got to was 103. The doctor consutled w/ cardiology about Jon's heart rate b/c it was in the 160's. The cardiologist said that in a healthy young man w/ a healthy heart that he would not treat it. This still makes us feel nervous. They started Jon on tube feeding again today! This is a good step for Jon's recovery.

Sunday--Today was a great day!! The GI doctor came in and said that he may be able to have the tube in his nose remove the tube in his nose and put a tube into his stomach. This will be much more comfortable for Jon. They will do this procedure some time early this week if Jon tolerates the tube feed on Sunday. The infectious disease doctor does not see any infections in Jon right now. This is a VERY good sign! Jon's temp could be related to medicines, agitation, or his gall bladder. Jon's regular doctor is VERY pleased with Jon's progress this weekend. When the dr went in this morning, Jon reached up and tried to shake his hand. Jon responded to us all day long. He gave me a hug and several kisses. He understood what we were talking about. He even said, "yup" a couple of times. Jon got very frustrated when he couldn't communicate with us what he wanted to. Jon was being honery today when the neuro dr came in. He wouldn't respond to him when he asked him to look at him. I told the dr that he would look at us. So I talked to Jon and he looked at me so the dr asked if he would look over toward Melissa. She started to talk to him and he looked at her. The dr said "ok" and left. Jon was smiling and teasing the nurse. Jon was much more clear today. He was clearer today than when he arrived at Select. He still is not back to himself. He has a long, long road ahead of him. Someone told Mom that he will have one week of PT for every day in ICU...that is over one year of therapy. Jon's lungs are MUCH better but still need to become more plyable and some of the aveoli are still not functioning properly. These can heal and when they do, it will be much better for Jon. He is very weak, but seems very determined. He was uncomfortable and moved himself in the bed. Please continue to pray for Jon's recovery. God has answered so many prayers and we are so very thankful. We appreciate all of your prayers and support!!!

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