Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday, July 6

The doctor decided not to put the tube in Jon's stomach today. Jon's white count was up a little but the infecious disease doctor said that nothing had grown. It is better to wait and make sure all is well rather than to rush things. The neurologist fired himself today. He said that Jon didn't need his services right now:) Jon didn't really respond to his regular doctor today but the nurse told him how Jon had been responding to us. He is still responding to Mom and Melissa. He wanted his glasses on but didn't want to watch TV. Physical Therapy came today. Jon's right knee didn't want to bend and they forced it. Jon's liver enzymes were up again today. The doctor will do another test around the end of the week on his liver. (They did tell us that his liver is NOT failing which we are very, very thankful for.) We continue to have faith in the Lord and his plan for Jon and our family. His plan is playing out each day in front of us. He continues to answer our prayers and heal Jon. It is such a blessing! I can't say enough times how thankful we truly are! Please remember to keep praying during the good times. Jon's road to recovery is not going to be a short one. Jon needs our prayers just as much today and tomorrow as he did the past few weeks. Words are not enough to express our feelings to our friends, family, and God...we simply say thank you and we love you all!

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