Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

Jon has had a couple of days where things were up in the air. He has had a temperature of up to 103. They are not sure why. Nothing has grown in his spudum culture and his white blood count is still normal. They determined that the bacteria that had grown from a blood culture was from a contaminated container. Jon is still reacting to coming off the sedation. They have removed all of one of his sedatives. They are trying to find the best medication to treat Jon. Jon's pulmonary status is remaining good. They tried lowering the vent yesterday. The doctor said he didn't think that Jon was ready but to try anyway. He was not off for long and they put him back on. It feels like things are up in the air right now as to how to treat Jon most appropriately. Please pray for the medical staff and for Jon and our family.

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