Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend and Monday

Jon had a really good weekend.  They are lowering his sedation very slowly.  Jon is starting to wake up again.  He is having muscle twitches and increased respirations.  Sunday after not getting much rest, they moved the sedation up a little so that he could rest.  He is having a periodic, low grade temperature. They are monitoring his blood cultures and sputum culture.  So far nothing has grown in the sputum.   Something has grown in one of his blood cultures so they are redoing them b/c if there is an infection it should be in both of them.  Sometimes containers or the central line may contain an infection but the person may not be sick.  They will find out so if he needs medicine they can treat him appropriately.  The doctor was pleased with Jon's recovery over the weekend.  The doctor on call told us Sunday that his xray was A LOT better than it had been. This is really good news and news we don't hear too often.  Jon has continued to do well and has handled coming off the sedation better today.  He is on 40% oxygen and having sats in the upper 90s.  The doctor said that he has been stable for a few days now and that is good...he was referring to his pulmonary status when he said that.  Jon still has a long way to go but he is MUCH better!  Please continue to pray for his recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Dani, Kem, Darci, Melissa and Big Jon,
    Again thank you from 'all of us' have shared your most intimate feelings and fears. I hope we are doing the things that you want us to do.
    You have friends, family and strangers that are concerned and as I have said before 'just waiting for you to tell us something that we can do'.
    I wonder what Jon will think when he can finally communicate. Of course I wonder a lot of things so I can not imagine your thoughts.
    Keep doing the things that you are good at....loving one another, supporting each other and letting those things be known. Your softness, your smiles, your silence, your prayers will help Jon, the nurses, the medical staff and everyone around you.
    I wish I could do more but for now please know that we are here for you.....
    Give Jon a soft touch from me....
    Wanda H.
