Saturday, June 13, 2009

6/13/09 EVENING

Tonight when they had Jon on his back, his O2 levels dropped. He had a hard time recovering when he was turned back onto his tummy. They increased his oxygen to 60% and turned the nitric back up to 20. They also noticed that his input and output levels of fluids were not staying the same. He was taking in more fluid than he was putting back out. The doctor thinks that this is because of his chest tube and is not too concerned with it but ordered an x-ray to double check. Preliminary results of the x-ray showed no change from this morning. This would indicate that the fluid is not gathering around his lungs.

1 comment:

  1. Darci,
    Thank you again for keeping the 'world' informed about Jon. I know there are times when you would like to 'keep it to yourselves' but please know that we are all very interested even tho there may be times when we don't fully understand the numbers we certainly get the feel of how things are going. You guys are all becoming experts in the pulmonary field.
    Yes, you are correct in saying that we get to thinking that we are not needed anymore which is just not right. We must remember that others depend on us for support, comfort, encouragement and our prayers. So you keep reminding us that we too are needed and it will take all of us to get this job done.
    Thank you again....
    Good Night to you all....Wanda
