Friday, June 5, 2009


Today has been an up and down day. The doctor said that Jon's xray looked a little better maybe. Jon's white count was up a little. His temp is down still. His heart rate is good. Jon's blood pressure is a little high but the doctor said that he'd rather it was a little high rather than low. The doctor said that he thought that Jon was better and going to continue to get better. It is just going to be a long recovery for his lungs. Another doctor (either rehab or pt) came by and said that the doctor had asked him to stop by. He said that he would be helping stimulate Jon's brain when he was ready. When the nurse changed Jon's sheets and gown today, she had him reclined. When she sat him up, his oxygen went down. It finally was coming up about an hour later and we discovered that his bed was reclined too much. The nurse sat him up and the monitors all went off. Jon's oxygen went down to about 88-92. They were having a lot of trouble getting it up. As we were sitting there watching everything, we noticed that Jon began to move his head and mouth. It made us wonder b/c he was on paralytic. We stopped the nurse and she said that he was dreaming. Jon continued to move. We talked to her again. She called in RT. It looked like Jon was trying to breathe through his mouth. They took off the vent and used the bag to try to dislodge a mucus plug. They didn't get it but did get it moved. The put the vent back on. They figured out that the paralytic medication was not getting to Jon in the proper amount at least for a brief time and it was allowing him to move. They got it corrected...They have also been in contact w/ the doctor on call. He said to move the oxygen to 70% and do a blood gas and then call him. The RT/nurse figured out that a tube on the vent was loose and that the pressure on the vent was wrong. Hopefully, with all of these things corrected, Jon's oxygen level will increase. It is so stressful to see Jon go through these ups and downs. I have gotten up and gone to the waiting room several times today...Please continue to pray for Jon to have a speedy, healthy recovery. It is remarkable, no matter your situation, be thankful for what God has given to you because as you look around, you will find that you have been given many blessings. Never count anything out when you have God on your side:)

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