Monday, June 1, 2009

This weekend

Late Saturday afternoon Jon was moved back to ICU at Specialty. He ended up with a collapsed lung and pneumonia. They have taken cultures to see if there is anything else going on. They also put Jon back on the ventilator and on light sedation. The sedative that they chose is a short acting sedative so it will not have to be weaned. They also inserted a chest tube. Once they had Jon settled in ICU he looked MUCH better. He was really having a hard time Saturday. They started him at 100% oxygen on the vent but by late evening they had it down to 60%. When we went back Sunday morning he was at 40%. His fever was down to about 101. The doctor was pleased with his breathing and said to turn the vent to pressure support which means that Jon is breathing on his own and the vent is only a back-up in case Jon doesn't breathe. The doctor said that he wished that his fever was gone. They also consulted with an infectious disease doctor to decide on the appropriate antibiotic. Jon had a really good day on Sunday. Although he was on a sedative, he was still awake for parts of the day. When we would talk to him, the "dazed" look seemed to be gone from his eyes. It was so good to see him this way. The doctor told us that Jon needs a period of medical stability--a period of time where he does not have an elevated heart rate, bp, respiration rate, pneumonia, etc...--so that he can focus on the neuro side of Jon's recovery. About 4 am on Monday, Jon woke up and was lightly feeling of the tubes around his neck. The nurse told him that he could feel of them but not to pull on them. She also told Jon that Mom and Dad would be back in a little while that they were sleeping. Near this time Jon's heart rate and respiration rate went up...(we think maybe he got nervous b/c Jon really doesn't like to be at the hospital) so they put him back on ventilator support and gave him some more sedation. Pray for a quick recovery from this minor set back, a time of medical stability for Jon and that the doctors and nurses have the knowledge to treat Jon in the best possible manner. Also, please pray that we can all continue to have strength. Prayer is such a powerful tool.

1 comment:

  1. Darci, Kem, Melissa and Dani,
    We were anxious to get an update today. We had talked to 'big Jon' yesterday evening so we had a report from him. Thank you guys so much for sharing what I know is such a personal trial as well as personal info about your precious 'little Jon'. It would be easy to pull back into your own small shell and think that if no one knows it won't be true.
    We want to know about Jon because we too care.
    We are always here for you when and if you need us.
    A prayer, a positive attitude, confidence in your medical team and the love you have for each other will get you through.
