Saturday, June 20, 2009

6/18 night and 6/19

Thursday night Jon did very well. They were able to lower the nitric to 18 and get his oxygen to 40%. His lung function number was up to 215 by Friday morning. Jon was doing very well. He has these times when he is just staying the same or even needing his oxygen increased and then within a short amount of time he really starts to do much better.

Friday Jon had a very busy day! They tested his chest tube to see if his lung would collapse if they removed it. His lung did not collapse and his numbers stayed good so they removed his chest tube. He had 5 x-rays. He had his central line replaced. He was also staying on his back for 3 hours and then tummy for 1 hour at a time. Jon's numbers stayed good all day. They moved his nitric down to 12. They are able to suction a lot of stuff out when he turns onto his tummy. Jon's numbers usually are staying in the upper 90's while he is on his tummy and the mid-lower 90's when he is on his back. By the end of the evening, they had to increase his nitric to 19 and increase his oxygen to 60%. He was doing well for a while so they decreased his oxygen to 50% for the night. This is a lot of activity for Jon and he handled it very well. In the past couple of weeks, Jon would not have been able to tolerate all of this activity. This morning (Saturday) Jon was doing well. His lung function test was in the 190's rather than the 200's. This is probably b/c he is on 50% oxygen rather than 40% like yesterday morning. It has been good for Jon to have this week of progress and no-little setbacks. Your prayers are still working! God is still working! Please continue to pray for all of us!

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