Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunday and Monday 6/20-21 and Tuesday morning

Sunday--Jon was able to be taken off the nitric oxide. They were able to do this fairly quickly and keep his sats up. While Jon has been on the rotorest bed his heart rate has been up. It has been about double what it should be. We are very thankful that he has been able to come off the nitric. Jon also stayed on his back the entire day:) They inserted a tube thing where his chest tube was to help the wound heal faster. It is like a little sponge that is attached to a vaccum.

Monday--Jon was able to be moved to a somewhat "normal" bed today. This bed still moves him from side to side but it looks like a regular bed. His sats were good all day. Jon's white count was down and his temperature was also down.

Tuesday--The doctor said that his bad lung looked worse today and his good lung looked better. They are going to take him for a CT scan this afternoon and possibly insert two tubes into his chest to help his bad lung. He has been able to be on 40% but they have recently had to up his oxygen to 50%. Please pray for the doctors and medical staff to make the best decisions for Jon's health care and recovery.

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