Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well, Jon does NOT have to have any chest tubes inserted. They did a CT scan and found that he did not have much fluid around his bad lung. The doctor was pleased to find this out. He said that tomorrow he may end up doing a bronchial scope. The doctor thinks that what they are seeing in the x-rays are mucus plugs and the old pneumonia. The mucus plugs can be removed in the scope. This is such good news that Jon does not have to have these tubes inserted... The doctor said that they will monitor his lungs closely and that our next step is to start removing the paralytic. Please keep praying for Jon that he continues to heal and does not have any new infections. Please pray for the doctors and medical staff to continue to treat Jon appropriately and to guide them in their treatment of Jon. Please pray for all of his friends and family to continue to have the strength to endure this storm. Please thank God for all of the wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon us and for all of the answered prayers:)

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