Monday, June 1, 2009


The infectious disease doctor came today and said that Jon's white count was a little lower. They are pretty sure that he has pneumonia, but if he is not better in a day or two they will do a scope and see what is in his lungs. He might have a mucus plug in his right lung?? If he does, they will clean it out when they do the scope. His fever is down to around 100. They are keeping his antibiotic the same. They also told us that the small "cough" like things he was doing is actually not a cough at all; it is a bronchial spasm. They have Jon very sedated in order to allow him to rest and heal. They do not want him coughing or fighting much. It is also helping to keep his respiration rate down and his heart rate down. Please say an extra prayer or two for Jon (and the rest of our family) tonight or whenever you read this. Jon needs extra strength. He needs to fight this infection and have healthy lungs again. Thanks for all of your support. It means so much to us all...

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