Monday, June 8, 2009


The doctor said that Jon's bad lung was better today and the other side (left I think) has pneumonia in it. This pneumonia is sensitive to the antibiotic he is on. They have his oxygen down to 90% and Jon is hitting 100. Please continue to pray for Jon's continued recovery. Also, please continue to pray for Melinda. She is making gains each day. She also has pneumonia and needs our prayers.


  1. Jon, know that we love you and your doing a great job, just hang in there and let God do the rest. For the family please know, all of you are in our thoughs and prayers all the time. Just wish there was more we could do to help. Call if there is anything we can do. In God's hands and our hearts always. Velma & Matt

  2. Dear Family,
    No, we will never know how you feel or how hard it has been or how much you care or how tired you are but we can imagine. If there was some way we could take your hurt away we would, if we could make you whole again we would....since we can't do any of these things we stand by ready to help, we pray, we too worry, we hold you in our hearts.

    You are have each other, you have a good medical facility, you have friends and extended family.....However all these things are secondary.....YOU HAVE JON.

    Good Night and God bless you all!!!!

  3. Nancy Woods gave me this address to follow Jon. I am the pastor at First Christian in Woodward. I have been following and praying for Melinda. I will pray for Jon complete recovery in the near days to come. Gene
