Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Jon has had a good day. His temperature is down to around 99. His oxygen level is good as well as his heart rate and blood pressure. His blood gasses were in the 90s today. Yesterday they were in the 60s. His xray was better. The doctor said that he was pleases with the change in the xray and that he is optimistic. Jon's white count is in the normal range now. God is once again answering our prayers one by one. The doctor wants Jon completely sedated and paralyzed today so that it allows his lungs to heal faster and he doesn't try to over breathe. When he is more aware his respirations go up. Earlier this morning he was less sedated and he raised his eye brow when I told him that I was here for the day. When I told his nurse that he was that aware and raising his eye brow at me he raised it again so I told Jon that I was going to sit down so that he would rest and get better. Please continue to pray for Jon's continued healing. He needs strength. We appreciate everyone's continued support and prayers.

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