Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Jon had a good night. Before our parents left last night, they had to raise Jon's oxygen to 50% or 55%. This happened after he had been on his back. Throughout the night they were able to get his oxygen back down to 40%. The nurse also noticed that Jon's sedation was not working as well as it should. He was moving his lips and his heart rate was going up. She explained to him that his Mom and Dad were sleeping and that they would be back in the morning. She also told him that he was being given medicine to keep him from moving and not to worry. When she talked to him his heart rate went down. She called the doctor and told him about the sedation and they switched it so that he would be more sedated. We also found out this morning that his lung function number is 202!!! We would be in the 400's. The 200's show that his ARDS is less active. They want him to be in the 300's. This is such progress from last week. When he went in on Wednessday, he was at a 60. We are so thankful for all of his progress. Please remember to thank God for all of his blessings that He so graciously gives us and continue to pray for Jon and Melinda's recovery. Thanks again for all of your support and prayers...it has made all of the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Dani and Kem,
    I got an update from Melissa this morn. You all amaze me. She told me that you sit and watch. I told her 'I don't think I could do that'....you know her answer. 'If it was your son'...I am still in awe....
    Keep up your spirits, keep talking to Jon and keep praying. Sing a song, recite a poem, read a story to Jon. He knows you are there, we know you are there and God knew you would be there.
    Look at the sunset, enjoy the evening and tomorrow will be a new day..

    Good Night Kem,
    Good Night Dani,
    Good Night Sweet, gentle Jon..
