Friday, July 24, 2009

Wed and Thurs

The past couple of days Jon has worked very hard during PT and OT.  The physical thearapist has been helping Jon to stand briefly and then sit in a chair for a few minutes.  He is very weak.  His right leg does not want to bend and his left leg wants to stay bent.  They are working with him to get them to both bend and stay straight.  OT is helping him by doing stretching exercises.  Jon keeps saying how tired he is and is trying to sleep a lot!  Jon's doctors have been consulting with the rehab doctors.  We are not sure exactly when he is going to be moving out of ICU but it is in the near future!  Jon's oxygen is staying good.  On Friday morning they are going to change his trach to a cuffless trach.  This will allow him to be able to talk a little more.  I got to hear him talk for the first time yesterday (Thurs).  It is so exciting.  I don't think Jon understands why all of the nurses and doctors and us are so excited about these little things! Hopefully one day he will.He is ready to be able to come home! We keep asking him what he wants mom to cook for him.  He is much more quiet than he was last weekend.    Each day he is making small strides!  Please continue to pray for Jon.  He needs strength to continue to fight this battle.  He is working so hard and we are so proud of him.  


  1. Dear Jon,
    Keep up the hard work it will be worth it in the end. You have come so far and your family has been so faithful (as you would expect them to be)....take each day at a time.
    One day you will understand what you have been through and you will be proud for having endured.
    We miss you and look forward to hearing about your accomplishments.

  2. Jon you are in our prayers as well as Melinda. We pray that you both will have a great recovery. Like we tell Melinda, you have to work hard during theropy in order to come home. You will be home hanging out with your friends. With love, Melinda freinds and family.

    Love Courtney.
