Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friday,Saturday, and Sun Morning

On Friday morning Jon's respiratory rate increased close to the 50s and his heart rate also increased.  The doctor ordered an EEG and an EKG.  The results from these tests showed that Jon's heart is just fine.  It is pumping properly.  They will give him heart rate medicine for it.  The doctor really thinks that Jon is just becoming more and more aware of what is going on.  He could also be having some withdraws from some of the medication.  Saturday Jon had a good day.  He didn't want much to do with anyone.  He seems to be upset and doesn't really want us loving on him...he is really out of luck w/ this one!  They were planning to run the high intensity scan on his liver and gall bladder Saturday.  When it was time, they came to his room.  They put Jon flat and told him not to move.  They then told us that he would have to be still for 4 hours.  This was never going to work so after a little while they stopped the test.  It was not Jon's regular doctor that ordered it. It was a GI doc...we are not really sure what he was thinking??? This is not how we understood that the procedure was going to work.  Saturday afternoon he rested comfortably. Jon had a good night. Jon was doing well Sunday morning as well.  The infectious disease doctor does not think that Jon has an active infection even though the psuedomonious grew in his sputum.  It is not causing him to have pneumonia.  She went ahead and started him on inhaled antibiotics.  Jon's white count was down in the 10,000s today.   Please keep praying that Jon continues to be infection free and continues to have a full recovery.  

1 comment:

  1. Darci, you are such a dedicated sister. just want to encourage you to keep blogging. it is such a blessing to me and my children to read improvements on Jon especially when they have been praying for someone they don't even know.It is a tangible way to see God working in our lives. Keep the Faith girl. This trial is impacting more people than you will ever know! love to you and your family and especially JON!
