Monday, May 4, 2009

1:17 pm

Jon is still off the nitric oxide. After his last lung recruitment they had to increase his oxygen to 80% but are working to bring it down again. The doctor said that he expected him to come out of this :) We still have a long road and need continuous prayers that this continues to work. He also said that Jon would probably be on a regular ventilator for 4-6 weeks...He also said that Jon is young and could surprise him. The doctor said that he is doing just what they expected and that not getting worse is getting better. We are so thankful for even the smallest of improvements that Jon makes.

1 comment:

  1. We're thankful for any inprovement, and will keep praying for more. Thank you for keeping us posted, tell Jon we love him, and you all to of course. IN God's hands and our hearts always. Velma
