Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Jon had a hard day yesterday. The doctors did a scope on his lungs. They cleaned them out and took a piece to do a culture on. They think he may have pneumonia again or something. By the end of the evening they were able to get his ventilator back where it was and lower the PEEP by one to 10. They still have his sedation level lowered. The head nurse reassured mom that he is improving and that we knew we were going to have bumps in the road. She also reminded us that waking up is going to be hard.


  1. Kem and Dani,
    I have been lucky....I caught Melissa, Big Jon and the kids at the cafe last evening...they gave me a personal report on all of you.
    Jon going through rough times means to me that you are going through them too. He knows you will do whatever is required of you. One day Jon will get to tell you all about it and you will relate to him some of your best days.
    The grandkids were having lots of fun. Boden wanted jelly on his pancake and Jon asked what color....he said 'blue'.
    The weather is warm, sunny and still...a beautiful day. God is in control and all is well...
    One day I will sit by you at church and we will visit about all of these things....wh

  2. Darci, our family monitors Jon's progress daily. We may be around the corner from you all while we sit in Melinda's room. But they are both on our minds. Thank you for keeping us updated. Thank you for staying positive and supportive for him and us all. These two kiddos have a long road ahead. But what makes it reassuring to us all is their ability to fight to improve. And, our ability to support one another. So again, we thank you. Tonya (Melinda's Aunt)

  3. Darci,
    I read the updates daily. We are all praying for Jon and all of you. Get some rest! We're thinking about you daily!!!

    Todd and Sheri Harris
