Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5/20/09 afternoon

Today Jon was taken off of the ventilator. They were going to do trials but when they had the oxygen collar on him his oxygen level was as good or better than with the vent so they took it away!!! They also took out his ART line. The ART line was a line inserted into an artery to measure his internal blood pressure. Jon got to sit in the chair again today. He is still agitated and gets upset. Mom thought he was more responsive/aware today. We are so thankful for these advances.

I think that when most people think of someone being in a coma, they think that they just "wake up". This is not always the case. With brain injuries there is never any particular way that things occur. The doctors don't give certainties...they don't say that if this happens that will be the result. The process Jon is going through is the "waking up" process. This is what we refer to as Jon being agitated. Agitated is not just a simple rise in blood pressure or heart rate. It is thrashing around in the bed/chair. He moves his hands/arms and kicks the bed. He tries to sit up and get out of bed. He tries to pull the feeding tube out of his nose. He grimaces. He looks completely uncomfortable. These "agitated" episodes don't last all of the time but they are exhausting. They say that this can last anywhere from one to two days to a few weeks. Jon is not talking yet. He has mouthed a few things to us, but cannot verbally express himself yet. Although he has his eyes open he is not fully aware of everything. We are thankful that he is responsive. He is not fully awake or back to his old self again. He has such a long road of recovery ahead! Continue your prayers:)

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