Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy Day today!!

Jon has had a busy day today! He was agitated this morning and so mom stepped out of the room for a few minutes and when she returned they had him sitting in a recliner. He stayed there for about an hour. They also did their first ventilator trial with him. They put the oxygen collar on him for two hours this afternoon and he did VERY well! They put him back on the vent after the hour. They will continue this and keep increasing his time off the vent...They are also talking about having to put him back on some sedation because of his severe agitation. There is a fine line between what we want him to be doing and what is out of control and not healthy for him. He needs to be able to settle down and rest so that his body can continue to heal. If they put him back on the sedation he will have to stay on the ventilator so we really hope that he will not have to go back on the sedation! We are so excited about Jon's progress today! Praise the Lord!!!! It is so easy to focus on the many steps forward that Jon has had. He still has so much recovery time ahead of him. We are so thankful for his progress but also aware of the long road of recovery still ahead....

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