Saturday, May 2, 2009

5:16 pm

The doctors have kept Jon's nitric oxide level at one today. They tried to lower it to zero earlier and his oxygenation level was not quite what they wanted so they moved it back to one. His blood pressure has fluctuated a little. Jon's nurse seems to think that it is pain related so they are increasing his pain medicine a little. Hopefully it will help it to even out again. The doctors did say that his x-ray from this morning on his lungs might have looked a little better today so keep praying that this treatment continues to work!

1 comment:

  1. Darci, Melissa, Dani, Kem, Big Jon and etc,
    In times like this you feel so helpless but be assured you are not. Each time you go in to touch, kiss and smile at Jon he knows you are there for him. One of these days he will tell you about the feelings he was having toward you. All that you do now is so important.
    It is cold and dreary. Wrap around each other and one day this will be a 'good' dream.
    Please don't think I am 'preaching' to you...thanks for taking time to keep everyone informed.....
    Good Night sweet family....wh
