Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday 5/18/09

Jon's condition is about the same. The respiratory therapist want to put the oxygen mask on Jon and take the ventilator off but the doctor says to wait a little longer. She wants to take it slowly so that we don't have any set backs. The sedation medication is off completely now. He is on pain medication and medication for his agitation. For most of the day Jon was pretty calm. When Mom left last night he was VERY agitated and they had to give him quite a bit of medication to get him to settle down. Once he begins to get upset, it is hard for him to settle himself down and so therefore he continues to be agitated and it gets worse and worse until they have to use medication to help him. Mom says that his strength continues to grow each day. We really need for his lungs to continue to heal and get better. Please continue to pray for Jon and our family. Knowing that this is all in God's hands and that we have such an awesome God is such a comfort to us.

1 comment:

  1. It is soooo wonderful to hear of Jon's improvement!! God is so good!!! We're praying for a FULL and SPEEDY recovery for Jon and for strength and stamina for his family. Darci, thank you for the updates. I check on them everyday, anxious to hear word of Jon's improvement. Melissa, thanks for the text messages! Please let us know if there is anything we can do on this end. Take care. Love, Trenna
