Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Morning

Jon is highly agitated this morning. We have been kicked out of his roo for a while so that he can rest. We can look through the window at him but the nurse asked us to please not wake him:) He is quite a handful today...Earlier before we were kicked out Mom leaned down and told Jon that she loved him and he mouthed "I love you" back to her. He tried to say something else but no one could understand what he was saying--I think he was asking where I They did increase his medication to help with his agitation.

1 comment:

  1. Dear all...excluding Jon,
    Sounds like a good time to go shopping. Get out of there and get some together time away from the hospital. I almost know you will not take my advise....but I think it would be a good thing for all of you.
    Jon is telling you to leave him alone so as usual 'let him have his way'...
    Please don't ever think I know what you should do or that I am 'preaching' to you...I am just rattling on...
    Do take a nap, think good thoughts, say another prayer, recite a poem and go be there for Jon..
    Take care....Wanda
