Monday, May 18, 2009


Overall Jon had a much more restful day. He had a few times that he was really agitated. They are working to lower the meds for the agitation. He is taking all of his own breathes except for 2 per minute. They still have his PEEP set at 8. They're going to leave all of the pressure settings the same on his vent until the bottom part of his lungs heal a little bit more. His blood/gas levels are almost normal:) Jon is still responding to the things the doctors and nurses are asking of him. When he gets agitated, we can tell him that he has been in an accident and that he is okay and he tends to settle down at least for a little while. They have been giving him medicine to cause him to forget so we have to keep reminding him of things. They told us that they are starting to look for trends in Jon's health and will be going more from week to week rather than minute to minute. Please continue to pray...God is answering so many prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Jon,
    Hello there.....the animals are waiting for you, the summer is almost here, we need you to cheer us, you are our future and we want you back...
    I don't want you to be in pain...just a smile, a touch of the hand and we will let you rest for a little while longer...
    Good Night gentle Jon....
