Monday, May 11, 2009

Jon's Weekend

Jon had a really good weekend. They changed some of the settings on his ventilator and he tolerated them. They changed it so that he would have to work harder on his own to breathe. They have also been reducing his sedation medication. It is now on a three (not sure what it was before). He is still on VERY strong pain medication. It is 100 times stronger than moriphine. He also has a dose of loratab every few hours. They said that if we took that dosage it would kill us but he has adjusted to it. The amount of pain meds keep him asleep a lot of the time. The doctors had him have a blood transfusion on Sunday. They said this was routine in trauma patients. Jon's bloodpressure and heart rate have been okay. They would like his bp to be a little higher and his heart rate to be a little lower...Jon is making steady progress on the vent....hopefully he will be able to get rid of it soon and they can really start to wake him up. He can't be fully awake with the vent b/c of the amount of discomfort it causes. Sunday as I was leaving I could see Jon's eyes cracking open and he squeezed my hand a couple of times. It is always so good to feel him and see him. They took out his central line and put a pick line in to administer meds and take blood. This will be a more permanent line for them to use. He should be able to keep it until he is well. Even though these were all small steps, they kept Jon busy this weekend. The doctors and nurses have said that he will have a busy week this week. They will continue to make changes to his vent and meds. Please continue to pray for his continued recovery. I also asked that you pray for my family. ALSO, my mom's second cousin was in an accident this past weekend and she is also in the hospital with a TBI. Please pray for her and her family.


  1. Darci,
    What a nice job you have done in keeping us informed. We have no right to know your private thoughts and information but Thank you for sharing. If you need anything while you are home please get in touch. We would like to be helping.
    So glad that Jon is showing improvement. Are you keeping a journal for Jon? Someday he will want to know all about the Spring of 2009.
    Jon knew all of you would be there for him as he would do for any of you. Your family has a special bond that few people know. Take care.....Wanda

  2. Mom is keeping a journal for him with a list of visitors and other information that she thinks he would like to know...or maybe he would rather forget:) We are a very lucky family to have one another. We appreciate all of your kind words--They mean more than you may ever know-----Darci
